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Authorized Signers

All requests for disbursement of college funds must be signed by either the department head or an authorized signer. Each department is asked to identify two staff members, in addition to the department head, who are authorized to sign for disbursement of department funds. Exceptions for additional signers are allowed with approval from the controller.

This form should be completed and submitted to the controller's office whenever staffing changes require new signers to be authorized or existing signers to be removed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often are checks issued?
Checks are processed once a week on Wednesday for mailing on Thrusday.

How often are Direct Deposits processed?
Direct Deposits are processed once a week on Wednesday.

What is the deadline to submit check requests?
Payment requests are processed on a first-in basis. Every effort is made to process requests as quickly as possible however there are certain times during the year with unusually high volume where some requests may be delayed a week. Contact a staff member if a payment requires immediate attention.

I need to reimburse somebody for mileage. What is the rate?
The college follows the standard mileage allowance for business travel as set by the IRS. Please refer to the policy section on the Controller’s Office site.

I think I have an invoice, but I don’t know for sure.
If the words packing slip, acknowledgement or statement are written somewhere on the document, then it is not an invoice.

Can I use copies of receipts for reimbursements?
No. Only original receipts are accepted for reimbursements.

What is the difference between an Expense Reimbursement Form and an Accounts Payable Voucher?
The Expense Reimbursement Form must be used for all business-related travel and entertainment by Smith College faculty, staff and students. All other check requests should be submitted on the Accounts Payable Voucher.

Can I approve a request for reimbursement to a college employee or student?
The approval signature cannot be that of the person to be reimbursed. The approval signature must always be that of that person’s direct supervisor or higher authority.

I have a stamp that was given to me for paying purchase orders. Can I use that or do I have to use the Accounts Payable Voucher?
The stamp can be used as long as it includes all the information required on the Accounts Payable Voucher.

I don’t like your forms. Can I design my own?
The forms are designed to include all the information required by the Payroll & Disbursement Office, in a structured format for data entry purposes.  Please consult with the Payroll & Disbursement staff to discuss reproduced forms.

I was asked to obtain a Form W-9 for a new vendor. Why?
The Form W-9 is now required for all new vendors to Smith College and for those vendors for whom we do not have the form on file. Smith College is required to report certain payments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This IRS form gathers all the pertinent information we need in order to comply with IRS regulations. Proper name, address and tax identification number submitted by the vendor ensure that we have the most accurate data in our vendor database.

Contact Accounts Payable

College Hall 103
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063